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Wto Legal Affairs Division Director


Wto Legal Affairs Division Director

The Economic Research and Statistics Division provides economic analysis and research in support of WTO operational activities, including monitoring and reporting on current economic news and developments. It conducts economic research on broader policy issues related to the WTO work programme, as well as on other WTO-related issues of interest to delegations arising from the gradual integration of the world economy, the spread of market-oriented reforms and the growing importance of economic issues in relations between countries. The Department produces the World Trade Report, an annual publication designed to deepen understanding of trade trends, trade policy issues and the multilateral trading system. The department cooperates with other international organizations and the academic community through conferences, seminars and courses; prepares specific research projects on policy issues in the field of international trade; and prepares briefings for management. It is responsible for the mandate of coherence with other international organizations, including the relationship between trade and finance, and the Working Group on Trade, Debt and Finance. In the area of statistics, the Division assists WTO Members and the Secretariat in providing quantitative information on economic and trade policy issues. The Division is the main provider of trade statistics to the WTO through annual international trade statistics as well as through the Internet and Intranet. The Department is responsible for maintaining and developing the Integrated Database (IDB) and Bound Tariff Schedules (STCs), which support the tariff information requirements of market access committees. Departmental statisticians also provide technical support to members on IDB-CTS databases.

The Division plays an active role in strengthening cooperation and cooperation among international organizations in the field of statistics of trade in goods and services, ensuring that WTO requirements for the concepts and standards underlying the international statistical system are met. In carrying out these tasks, the Division seeks to establish a centre of knowledge and institutional memory on the issues dealt with by these WTO bodies. In this capacity, it maintains databases on tariff renegotiations (GATT Article XXVIII), quantitative restrictions and national import licensing legislation. It also conducts research and assists other departments of the Secretariat in seeking expertise on these issues, for example in dispute settlement cases and technical assistance activities. In carrying out its activities, the Division cooperates with other institutions, such as the World Customs Organization, the World Bank, OECD, UNCTAD and IMF. The Division of Administration and General Services is responsible for providing administrative and general services tailored to the needs of the Secretariat and WTO Members. His responsibilities include budget, finance, travel, procurement, facilities and pension management. In addition, the Department ensures the security of staff and buildings occupied by the secretariat. The Division also responds to the needs of WTO Members by supporting the work of the Committee on Budget, Finance and Administration.

The WTO`s areas of competence include the two legal departments dealing with the WTO dispute settlement system (rules and law), the Division of Administration and General Services, including Budget and Finance, and the Division of Human Resources. The principles of trade in legal services, as for all services, are set out in the GATS. Prior to joining USTR, he worked at the U.S. Department of the Treasury as counsel for the National Advisory Committee on International Monetary and Financial Policy, participated in the work of the OECD Development Assistance Committee, reviewed IMF and World Bank lending policies, and participated in the drafting of the Articles of Agreement of the African Development Fund. He was Director of the Multilateral Trade Negotiations Office of the Ministry of Finance. To mark this anniversary, LAD is hosting a conference on Thursday, June 28, 2012, which will be attended by former LAD directors and other keynote speakers. We will also pay tribute to Professor John Jackson for his invaluable contribution to the field of international trade law. The WTO Secretariat employs more than 600 people from about 80 WTO member countries.

Staff responsibilities include dispute resolution lawyers, lawyers, trade policy analysts and specialists, research economists and statisticians who contribute to the smooth conduct of trade negotiations and the proper application of international trade rules. Other responsibilities include press officers, translators and interpreters, finance, IT, human resources professionals, etc. who support the WTO`s mission. The Technical Cooperation Audit Division (ATT) is responsible for the ongoing monitoring and evaluation of all forms of technical assistance provided by the WTO. The Division conducts on-site and ex-post evaluations and prepares an annual report for consideration by the Committee on Trade and Development. The Development Division is the single window for all policy issues related to trade and development. The Division oversees senior management and the WTO Secretariat as a whole on trade and development issues, including the participation of developing countries, in particular least-developed countries (LDCs), in the multilateral trading system. Legal Services Proposals Legal proposals are also mentioned in Professional and Business Services The department supports a complex office and network environment and offers a variety of services (ERP, office automation, email, intranet, Internet, web and client/server systems development, telecommuting, IT training, IT asset management, videoconferencing, etc.). This includes the implementation and regular review of the IT security policy. The Division also provides information technology expertise related to the establishment and modernization of WTO reference centres in the capitals of developing and least-developed countries and participates in technical cooperation missions.

The Appellate Body Secretariat provides legal and administrative support to the Appellate Body.

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